What Does Mark Ruffalo Smoke in Begin Again

The Marvel Cinematic Universe boasts a deep demote of talent. On the roster is Mark Ruffalo, who scored the role of Bruce Banner, aka Hulk. He debuted as the hero in the 2012 film, The Avengers, and remains a role of the franchise. Merely Ruffalo confessed that before he was a megastar, he enjoyed a life of leisure with the help of sunday, surf, and pot.

Mark Ruffalo of the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Mark Ruffalo of the Marvel Cinematic Universe | J.Sciulli/WireImage

Mark Ruffalo described what life was like before he began his acting career

Ruffalo granted Variety an interview and revealed a few intimate details about his life and mindset before launching his acting career. He told the outlet, "I was living in San Diego and basically just surfing, and smoking weed and going nowhere really fast."

The A-lister also revealed his experience with a learning inability, his love for dramatic arts, and his early doubts about his inevitable success. But despite his uncertainties, he took the advice of a friend and went to audition at Stella Adler Studio of Acting in Los Angeles.

"Someone told me I should go study at that place, and then out of my desperation and my secret of wanting to be an actor, I took the train up there for an interview with my teacher Joanne Linville," said Ruffalo.

"Here I am, this kid from Kenosha, Wisconsin, who was dyslexic, could barely read, I barely got through high school, and I went in, and I talked to Joanne," Ruffalo explained. "She interviewed me for like x minutes. She was like, 'You belong here, darling.' I never had anyone tell me I belong somewhere. I had never been then excited about learning in my entire life as I embarked on that journeying."

Ruffalo never imagined playing the Hulk, but his married woman envisioned big things for him

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Ruffalo has graced the silver screen numerous times every bit the Hulk in the MCU, a multi-billion-dollar feature film franchise. When thinking back to the early on days of existence an actor, Ruffalo admitted that he could never have envisioned himself in the larger-than-life part.

"We had this little theater, and that was my dream come up true," Ruffalo reminisced. "We were doing, similar, 10 plays a twelvemonth on Santa Monica Boulevard. I was bartending, simply equally sh*tty as the twenty-four hour period could exist, when I walked in the theater, I was in heaven. It'south when I met Sunrise [Ruffalo's wife], and she was like, 'I remember you lot might be shooting a piffling chip low. I think you can probably expand what you think you're capable of.'"

The MCU star has sage words of advice for whatsoever undiscovered role player lacking conviction

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While chatting with Variety, Ruffalo shared a few words of wisdom for aspiring actors who may lack conviction like the younger Ruffalo. Rather than "just surfing and smoking weed," the actor suggested summoning self-assurance.

Ruffalo brash, "Say to that petty part of yourself, 'Heed, you son of a b*tch. I know you're there, merely y'all don't control me. I want to live my dreams, and I'm going to make one step towards them. And the road volition meet me there.'"

As successful equally Ruffalo has get, he remains grounded. "I just recollect to be grateful because I still tin can't believe it," he admitted. "I however keep thinking, 'They're going to throw me out of the society. I never belonged here in the first place, and they're all going to find out.'"

From a movie vitrify'south perspective, Ruffalo is exactly where he should be — in the spotlight. With a string of hits on his resume and several projects on the horizon, it appears that Ruffalo is in that location to stay.

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Source: https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/this-avengers-alum-confessed-he-was-basically-just-surfing-and-smoking-weed-before-stardom.html/

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